Just do it, Laura Deming.

Here is more inspiration.

This video is Laura Deming’s talk at TEDxYouth@Tallinn. As some of you might have already read I contacted Laura a couple of months ago… She has been a great inspiration and a great mentor for me and I think this video also has a great potential to inspire people to follow their passions and change the world.

Here is something she said in the conference:

“Find your passion and pusue it, I strongly believe that this is the way to live your life. […] The world around you was built by people just like you, and you can change it, and you can influence it. And once you realize that, you’ll never be the same.”

Of course there are people who say that it does not apply to them since Laura is extraordinary which means the set of rules for her life does not apply to normal people… Always making up excuses 😛 but what I think is that she is an ordinary person but what makes her able to do extraordinary things is her passion, determination and hard work.



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